Originally Posted by jaguartx
Masculinity is bad, toxic. True. Women rule, they always have because they have the power to say "No", well, in civilized societies anyway.

The next half: Unless it is exhibited by women.

With the loss of Christianity, women have lost feminity. Thats percieved as weakness. With it's demise went their aspect of female nurturing, the antipathy of feminism.

The communists, bowing to the will of Satan has liberated women and thus succeeded in destroying the basis of civilization, and that basis was the family.

With women's liberation came the freedom to attain their desires, as did Eve. Their desire was to become as men, the flip side of the Lords prophecy that in the latter days, the men would become as women. None percieved that with it, women would become as men.

The end of civilization is within the grasp of Satan and his minions, liberated women, lieberals, Satanists and communism. They call it Utopia.

Its a brave new screwed up world.

godddamn, that is beautiful!