I was just reading an article about China and in it the author said “We know that China is an authoritarian country ruled by the Communist Party and rejects liberal democratic values of free speech, rule of law and democracy“ and it got me thinking about the terms we use to describe ourselves and others politically, I’m an Australian and to me America is a country that was founded on very liberal ideas like the right to free speech, freedom of religion etc, and in recognition of this there are safeguards built in to your constitution to protect these rights and freedoms and limit interference by the government and others who might seek to curtail them, the second amendment for example, who are the real liberals? antifa call themselves liberals but they are promoting an ideology that is anything but liberal ie socialism, no socialist regime would ever allow these rights and freedoms and history proves it, the funny thing is no socialist regime in history would have given them the freedom to run around burning things and having tantrums either, Stalin would have sent them to the salt mines or just had them shot. Liberty and liberal both come from the latin word liber, meaning free, in his book “On Liberty” printed 1859 Stuart Mills defined liberty - people are and should be free to do whatever they like up to the point at which it keeps others from doing as they like, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of that sentiment displayed by the current crop of so called liberals.

what say you one and all?