by 2035 , the idea of individual ownership of a car will probably be gone altogether. With autonomous driving automobiles and ride sharing being almost 30 years old, owning a $70K car that sits idle 95% of the time you own it will seem absurd

Other than work trucks and service vehicles, people will just use fleets of cars that arrive within minutes after you order them to pick you up

I don't think what I just typed is so far fetched that it couldn't become reality.

Also, I'm not sure people realize just how much this pandemic has altered traffic. I was talking to a sales manager last week and he said he used to get on a plane and fly out to Seattle, New York, Chicago - wherever to meet with an executive, sometimes the meeting would be only an hour or so, but now they've all have been forced to do it over video chat - and they'll never go back. Air travel, hotels , car rental ....and the morning commute will all be negatively affected to some degree. How much is anyone's guess.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings