Actually, I was also referring to the environmental damage; eagles killed by turbines, landscapes marred by solar panels, etc. The damage from mishandling of toxic by-products can't be ignored either, as in the lead-acid battery mess I mentioned. It can be offshored to economically-desperate places like some of our garbage is, but the chickens will come home to roost eventually. Polluters here often get off easy; imagine how they're treated in the third world. Some Asian countries routinely tow garbage out to sea and just dump it, resulting in paper straws for California.

There are over twice as many people in the world as when I was born, maybe three times. A lot of the stuff being obsessed over now is small potatoes compared to the really big problems like food, water, garbage, and maybe sewage. Right now in Chinese cities, people have to throw their used TP in the trash instead of flushing it to avoid overloading their sewage system. Imagine the fun when ol' Gavin tells the good people of California that they're gonna have to do the same.🤢

What fresh Hell is this?