I've got a half brother and half sister I never met. Dad looked for them back in the day, but could not find them. Bitter divorce and custody battle at a time when fathers were truly considered nothing more than a paycheck. Multiple, multiple court order violations by her, violating visitation orders. Nothing ever happened. Then one day they were gone.

Their mother had changed their names, making attempts to locate after things "settled down" even tougher. He mostly gave up looking back in the 70's. Basically gone without a trace. And in the days of snail mail, and trying to locate someone across the country, it just didn't happen.

The half sister found us about a month after dad passed. Letter in the mail addressed to the old man from a return address with no name from Northern Illinois area. Could tell by the handwriting it was a female of my generation. Mom and I knew who it was before we opened it. Mom sat down, crying, saying "why now? Why not a year ago!".

Dad struggled with it his whole life. He always turned somber around the kids birthdays.

Tough story.

I had intended for some time to go out and meet her...but I guess planes do fly both ways as well. Came close once when we went back to Illinois to visit the W's family, only to find the half sister was going to be out of town and traveling during that time. So we didn't meet up.

We still write from time to time, but the desire to meet her has diminished a great deal. We still follow each other on FB, and she is a died in the wool, flaming, bought the dem BS hook, line and sinker libtard. Extreme liberal. I mean bad. I had to stop her posts from popping up on my "news feed" I think it is, because it was a constant source of aggravation and making me hate her. Daily posts and rants about everything moderate or conservative.

Older brother met her, and thinks I should still do so, despite her politics. But I'm so sick - and have been for years - of the extreme liberal BS, I've cut anyone out of my life who engages in it. Just don't feel like associating with anyone who is assisting with or supporting the politicians and people who are bringing about the downfall of this country. Really don't give a chit who they are.

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.