For the large part they are just Americans. Blacks have been maligned by the democrat party since reconstruction. In fact if you'll read Dr. Thomas Sowell the black family unit was stronger in the early years until the democrats decided to put them on a reservation so to speak. LBJ and his "Great Society" did more to hurt all Americans than any other legislation before or since. Democrats have just expanded on it.
Blacks have fought and died in all our major wars along side other Americans and have distinguished themselves as loyal Americans. A great awakening is currently happening in the black community. They are waking up to the fact that democrats have been using them as pawns and Donald Trump is the reason. He has done more for all minorities and the poor of all colors than any other president in history. This is remarkable since democrat education, judicial and legislative policies have kept poor of all races ignorant and helplessly dependent on government tax money.
We are currently locked in a great battle for the hearts, minds and culture of America. Democrats will not give ground easily and will stop at nothing to gain pawer they are loosing. Obama did more to set back race relations than any other president in our history. We need to vote republican down to the lowliest election at the local level and deny democrats the power to govern.

We fought a great war to affirm the seed of liberty and equality of all men and paid dearly for it. We have struggled to apply that founding principal ever since. Obama set us back decades in race relations and Trump is bringing us back together to the everlasting pain of the democrats.