Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
I had said this from the beginning. cops go mental when they hear a shot and spray to many bullets. they found the DA lied about the shooting

When not even USA Today will get your back, you ain’t got a case.....


The Cops executed that no-knock warrant to apprehend a dangerous criminal who by Ms Taylor’s own admission she had been sleeping with for at least three months, long enough the guy would borrow her car.

I’m sure Ms Taylor had to pass regular drug tests to stay employed as an EMT and may have kept her pad scrupulously clean, but she was running with dogs and got fleas, on a tragic scale.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744