Originally Posted by GunTruck50

First Trump lied and said his father only gave him 1 million dollars while the records say it was 413 million, just a small lie.

Next he made millions of dollars over the last 15 years but paid no taxes in 10 of those years, one of 2 things happened either he is the worst

tax cheat in the country or the tax code is jacked up, I believe it is both, he should be investigate for the last 15 years and

the tax code needs to be rewritten. Are you guys ok that a person like Trump can make millions and live in the best country

in the world and not pay his fair share of the taxes? The average joe pays $12,000.00 per year out of his 40 thousand dollar

Salary and does not try to cheat the government. Some example Trump makes. We do not need a president who lies about where

his money came from and does not pay his fair share of the cost of running our government. The other 100 plus major companies that

paid no taxes should also be investigated also. The list is on Forbes.

.......................GarBAAAAGE Truck w/-50 IQ................You obviously have little to no tax and accounting knowledge. What records exactly can you produce that show $413 million vs $1 million? Hmmmm? Source please! Liberal media source by chance? About as credible as you are. Specifically cite for us any and all tax code violations or tax code fraud by the Trump Organization. If the Trump Organization has been and is following the tax codes, then your complaint is with congress who WRITES TAX LAWS.

You, Paddler, plus the rest of the Trump haters have been fishing, fishing, fishing, fishing and fishing some more for the last 4 plus years to find crimes and to try and manufacture crimes against Trump. You and they are FAILURES!

28 Nosler,,,,300WSM,,,,338-378 Wby,,,,375 Ruger