I also keep a specific, by hunt, list of items I will not leave home without. I have three check box's. The first box shows I have the item and have checked it to make sure it is in good shape and functioning properly. (all batteries replaced etc). The second box it checked off when the item is placed in either the backpack or duffel. The third and final box is for when it is placed in the truck just before leaving. I use this box because there items that will not fit in my backpack or duffel. ie: Tent, heater, propane bottles, cot, sleeping bag, etc.

By using this list I have never left anything at home. When you're 1,200 miles away from home, you don't want to find out you left your tent or sleeping bag, or even worse, your rifles, sitting in the garage or gun safe.

Lists work. Good luck with your hunt.