I knew a great little gunshop owner who got divorced, and he had to move, and build a new shop. He went with the wood floor, and this was back in the 1990s. He had a heckuva nice shop, and kept a lot of old double shotguns, and lo and behold, he actually stocked Winchester rifles! His was about the only shop in the whole Louisville area that actually stocked Winchesters, so I spent quite a bit of time and money there. He liked Rugers, but he sure didn't like Remington rifles, and wouldn't stock them. He was a bit "opinionated", but since his opinions mirrored mine, we got along well.
I went to school with his nephew, and that helped, as he was kinda fussy about who he'd sell to, as well.
It was nothing to see an old tom turkey wandering in and out of the shop, or his black cat Adolf, who was pretty cool. He also had a "pet" fox and had, at one time, a prairie rattler someone had brought him from out West someplace. "The Powder Keg" was a really interesting and fun place to hang out.

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.