I believe everything you post.
I have a thought on number one:
Prediction 1: Trump will win the election in a landslide. I know, the media is telling you the polls are tight, but just look around. Trump rallies are packed to the gills while Biden can’t fill the bleachers at a high school football field. Trump supporters hold huge boat parades while we see NONE for Biden. Trump supporters hold freeway caravans around that country that take up all lanes of a freeway, while an attempted caravan for Biden in Las Vegas drew only 30 people. Just like in 2016, pollsters today are making it look like it’s a close race. This is gaslighting – they’re telling you something that runs directly opposite of what your own eyes are telling you, but they’re expecting you to believe what they say.

Most of the Biden supporters are the same ones scared of the virus, scared of being in public, and have drank the rats koolaid , could this also help explain low turnout? I mean come on man is in his basement most days

We might have to be neighbors, but I don’t have to be neighborly. John Chisum