Those are DEATH TRAPS.

With DOT date of 2015 manufacture, they only have ONE year left before the SIX year maximum you should drive on them.

Just because they have been warehouse stored and do not have any sign of deterioration of sidewall cracking, DOES NOT mean they are internally sound. Petroleum products break down after being manufactured, and that chemical breakdown can not be stopped.

There is a reason tires have a six year life, and then toss.

It is so you won't kill yourself or your family.

They're cheap because they are dumping them on the market before they could not sell them through any distribution channels, and Walmart helping them just shows how much the Walmart commie kids value American's lives.

Go back and cancel your orders if you value your life. You won't be saving anything, because you'll have to toss them in one year.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)