Most of these responses sound like they are from employees of the outfitter. When someone advertises the possibilities of success as high as this outfitter, you would expect better results.

Guiding for someone on property you have never been on before certainly doesn’t sound like a prepared outfitter or guide. How some people here that want to call themselves guides, will tell a potential client he needed to do more homework and know the terrain, don’t fit the model of a desirable guide.

The fact remains that if the outfitter advertised a hunt that you would have an inexperienced guide, walk for a couple hours in the morning, then sit on a hill in the evening hoping to see something. The next day do the same or less and ask you to be patient because your guide hasn’t been on this property before and he needs to leave mid-morning to go work cattle, and so on...

I doubt any of the guys supporting this farce of a hunt would pay to be treated this way either. It sounds like a major loss and anyone anticipating a good hunt, expecting a chance at a bull elk, would be disappointed with this outfitter.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.