In Alabama each ballot is printed on thick paper, and has a number at the bottom. I had to go identify myself with my photo ID. Then they made me sign the pad that I voted. Then they gave me a ballot and in very small print had a number at the bottom. So any recount in Alabama only has a certain number of ballots cast. Those who voted signed in. Absentee ballots picked up at the county courthouse after you have identified yourself with photo ID. You are given a ballot going to your voting location on two envelopes. One for your ballot and voting location and the outside one going to the county. They have to be received prior to the voting day to be counted. If you don't have a drivers license (with photo ID), you can obtain a non-drivers ID free at the DMV. You have to bring your birth certificate and two bills or some ID showing where you live. If you became a citizen from a foreign nation you have to show your citizenship papers. Most RED states do this.

The only real way to cheat in Alabama is after the polls close, someone could mark off a persons name that didn't vote, and fake the signature on the pad you sign and submit the ballot in the machine after the polls close. Hard to do when someone from both parties are always there. This is what my wife thinks happened in Michigan and Pennsylvania. After the polls closed and they told everyone to go home, and they sealed off the windows from view. They made ballots with fake signatures if needed and scanned them in or counted them all for Biden. Only way to check is recount with audit to verify each vote. If Trump forces this issue, it may take weeks or months to check all of them. Also checking all mail in ballots against signatures and Social Security records to see if dead people voted.

This was a coordinated effort to cheat by Democrats, with massive mail in ballots that would have to be checked for accuracy one at a time, and manufacturing fake ballots for those who didn't vote. This would require calling all the registered voters to see if they voted.

If something is not done about the massive cheating, there will be no Republican ever elected president again.