Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by SPQR70AD
main problem is women voting. cannot let women choose anything. when given the right to choose most become tattooed sperm banks drooling over rope head groids then end up with choco babies.
the first female on earth Eve was allowed to choose and the result was mankind was doomed forever

Sounds like the women in your life were attracted by your intellect.

mike r

I have other physical attributes they like. I do not want to come home and play chess with a woman. to me women are for pleasure and house work. also it sounds like you raising a mulatto grandkid.
You have my sympathy. You have never known a good woman as a friend and companion.

Woman was NOT placed on Earth to be your sperm spittoon and slave.

She was put here to be your MATE. Too bad you are not worthy of such.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.