it's pretty obvious to the observers who walk amongst us that our keepers have made a major decision. made it some number of years ago, but it's becoming obvious to us all now.

and that is, with 7.5 billion people pounding on the earth with many different races scattered about, they have decided to integrate us rather than keep us separated.

how to do that? make it culturally ok for the races to mix. not just the rich and the very poor, but also the great middle classes.

otherwise, there'd be marked differences in the various races show up and cause conflict. they don't want that.

so how to minimize the conflict? why get us all integrated. have the same red blood, have babies.

and if the transgender folks says it's ok, well then that'll lower the birthrates.

our keepers are only interested in our best welfare for our own good.

my 4% neander valley bloodline is always suspicious.

that means it's not all cut & dried quite yet.