There's plenty of white folks in South Africa and Namibia. There's also obvious tension and divisions between them and the blacks, but I never felt in danger or threatened at all.
I've also been to Egypt and there were a fair number of white folks there. Niger.......not so much.

One PH (who I did not hunt with) in South Africa was black. He seemed to be a pretty good dude, but was not invited to the dinner table in the evenings because supposedly that would then require the outfitter to allow all the black workers to come to dinner (they obviously don't see separation by status or position, like Americans generally do). I wouldn't have had any issue with them all at the dinner table, but it was obvious that the outfitter did. We were also SPECIFICALLY told not to tip the trackers or skinners (who were all black) because they had a habit of not showing up to do their work for a few days if they happened into some extra money. Instead, the outfitter collected all the tips for them and distributed it to them all at the end of the season. A guy can draw his own conclusion from that, I guess.