Originally Posted by Trystan
I remember in 2016 almost every stupid SOB who is posting now said Donald Trump had zero chance of winning the presidential nomination let alone be elected! Just to check you dumb bastards I will remind you that I soundly stated that not only would he win the nomination but he would be our next president!


Now seems to be time for a refresher although I highly doubt half of you stupid SOBs will pay attention or learn a GD thing so instead of argueing I will simply say that many of you are still wrong and have zero clue how this will play out though you readily fumble around with theories that are far from reality!

Have a wonderful evening and I wont be back to divulge apparent facts because honestly shear stupidity and humility are not two attributes that readily frequent one another! Instead I will leave you dumb SOBs to continue fumbling around with your thoughts being tossed to and fro like a ship in stormy sea's

In fairness I will say that there are some who have posted who seems to understand reality so kudos to those folks
