Very interesting read.. My family lived on the same corner for over 200 years.. It was interesting to see the old graves dating back to the early 1700's... By the time I was 13 I told my grandmother I was moving to Wyoming when I grew up.. That was almost 50 years ago now.. Kind of thought I would live in the west for a time and then return like many of my older friends had done,, Never happened.. When I retired in 99, I did return each fall for up to a couple months.. Then the reasons I left became clear again. My father died in 17.. I haven;t been back since.. Our hunting camp sold in about 2015. Then my father passed. I sometimes think about it, but when I look at the craziness east of the Mississippi, not sure I could survive.. I have looked at other places to live, but with each passing year that becomes more doubtful.. I have often wondered if my grandfather would have lived, if I would have left.. Guess I will never know.. Like everyone, when I return I don't know folks, and when I left, I knew everyone for miles around.. Country is posted ,, New owners, dope heads, welfare trash worse than before.. Sad...

Molon Labe