Originally Posted by slumlord
I went to a college graduation.

There was this little dorf groid sitting with his fambly above us on the next row

I think his big brother was graduating and this pint size groid was maybe 16,17 years old. Was all blinged out and chit like Shake from aqua teen hunger force when he got his Boost moble phone.

Little freak kept yelling “ SOV-VAY, ANDRE’” right in my ear hole at 145 decibels

Have no idea what that means.

He would just fire off at random times even while the admins were speaking. Foucking short and retarded.

I wanted to snatch his ass up by little buddy chucky clothes and wing his ass out of the balcony.

Fly webster, Fly!

"The Ballpark burgers were free, why not eat them?"
- Wabi-