I process elk the same...Choice meat is steaks and roasts. The rest is grind for sausage and pepperoni sticks.

Front shanks get cut at the joints. I release some of the silver skin, leave connective tissue to keep it on the bone.

Wifey, puts a shank in a Dutch Oven with a broth concoction of meat bouillon, seasonings, water and red wine.

She slow cooks the shanks for 5-6 hours in the broth. When done, the meat is tender and almost coming off the bone.

Boil up some Russet potatoes,,,use some of the shank broth to make gravy...Enjoy!

To me, the meat tastes just like a beef roast.

Way easier than peeling all the silver skin and connective tissue for just grind. Plus, tastes amazing.

Slow cook them elk legs....You won’t want do them any other way.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”