Originally Posted by OldHat
Originally Posted by HughW
We have been fortunate over the years so a number so years back we agreed to not give gifts to each other but instead send the funds to charities that each person chooses.

So the other person chooses where to send the money. What if they want you to give it to BLM or something like that.

Well if we had that type of issue I think a trade in would have occurred a long time back. The reason this works for us is we are pretty well aligned on what we support and what we don't (including political - right not left). This year were all social -- homeless shelters, youth emergency programs. Past years medical -- cancer, Alzheimer, heart. We each put together a list and then compare notes and agree. There was one dropped which was a women's shelter led by a lady who is a known left wing - anti firearm activist which my wife did not know the full story on.

People do need to take deep dives into who is behind the charities and what is the money going to be used for. Some up her have admin fees on general contributions in excess of 60% or environmental charities that have direct linkages to Greenpeace / Y2Y or BHA.
