Excellent info on this thread, and compact enough to read it! Ditto to 45 minutes for bobcats for me. (I quit at 30 minutes one time and had the biggest bobcat with biggest tracks I've ever seen stroll up in an open snow lane at 32 minutes while I stuffed gear in my daypack.)

Higher pitched busy, frantic sounds seem to work better, and I like to do a minute of bobcat in heat every few minutes. Have called them with hand calls and electronics. An electronic lets you set up a two man ambush (caller and shooter some distance apart) when you are solo!

Bobcats want to SEE what is making the sound, and coyotes want to smell it. Set up accordingly. Use the target animal's instincts against him.

IME a majority sneak in and some run in, some of those within seconds of the first call sound. I watched one take 50 minutes to close from 350 yards to bow range at 25. Have had several run right up to me when hand calling, and had others trot and lope to within first sight of the sound source, and then start sneaking.