Originally Posted by IZH27
Originally Posted by JakeBlues
Originally Posted by OldGrayWolf
You wanna turn the Constitution over for modification to the same spineless suits that have let things get to this point? Ummm, no.

What have WE gotten fixed so far? You know, to show that we might have the ability to predict what would come of this gambit?

No, the constitution is being used as toilet paper by the people in DC. People OUTSIDE of DC need to take it back.

I’ve been hoping that this will happen. It will take some very strong state politicians to man up. Our founding fathers gave us this option. I pray that it is used.

I'm about 99% confident if we did this, people will be asking why didn't do it 20 years ago. DC has been neutering the power of the people and the states for far too long.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.