Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by HitnRun

Seriously, how much Windsor Canadian do you think the Red Green Show writers drank while coming up with stuff for the handyman segment of the show?!?!??

Top of the morning to you sir, I hope that the day's breaking bright and clear for you folks out east and that all in your family are well.

Thanks for the thread and the chuckles and nods that it's caused, I very much appreciate it.

Honestly there's been a few times in my life after I've introduced coworkers to my good wife where they've suggested this very topic - that is to say I must either be extremely useful around the place or one smooth talker - since I'm not much of a physical specimen to gaze upon..... laugh

Steve Smith - Red Green - used to have a TV show with his wife Morag called Smith & Smith and I want to say Red Green was a character that arose there and just kept morphing into a life of it's own. It was a parody of the outdoors show "The Red Fisher Show" and both Smith and John Candy used to do some really funny skits based on that. Of course if you weren't a Canuck and had never heard of Red Fisher - well it was less humorous I'm sure.

Anyways, here's an interview of Steve Smith talking about his last tour - just watch to the 45 second mark folks - I believe most on the forum will find it a bit ironic if nothing else.

Thanks once again sir and all the best to you and yours in 2021.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"