Originally Posted by 673
Originally Posted by joken2

Regardless the fighting style an skill level, above all else you must have a all-in win and end it anyway possible, 'killer', mindset. Just because someone excels in organized, controlled sport combat arts doesn't mean they can do they same outside in a anything-goes street or bar fight.

I watched a black belt karate and kung fu trained guy get walked backwards hopping on one foot up a aisle at work one time by guy that was a known skilled and experienced street brawler. Karate Kung fu guy tried a fancy kick, the street brawler caught his foot and proceeded to push him off balance backwards hopping foolishly on one foot.

Same karate / kungfu guy entered a area tough man contest once and got his butt stomped royally. Several at work went to watch him. They said you could even hear him holler out "Ouch!" and "OW !" when he got hit over the crowd noise.

Real good guy, always does well in organized karate / kungfu events, even teaches it, too, but just can't seem to muster up a 'killer' instinct.

Killer instinct, yes this exactly. Then when you have this combined with the proper training you get an elite individual in any type of training.

This is exactly right. The training becomes instinct when in a brawl. You don't even know you're using it until after it's ended.

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...