Social media is now in a grey area. They are privately held, so they have the right to censor as they see fit.

However, they have grown so prevalent and powerful, that they are bordering on, it not crossed into, the monopoly range. When Facebook can shut down a person/group, or twitter can, and it has the effect this has had, a basic LARGE restriction in information flow, that's monopoly. When Apple and Android can team up to essentially take down parler just because they don't like the message, that's a monopoly.

Like it or not, social media has evolved to be so key in people's lives that they are now the main source of information for a large percentage or our country.

Allowing that to be restricted is wrong. Then again, forcing them to not restrict is wrong. So....grey area with no solution.

When it comes to hate groups. Yes they are around and yes they use facebook etc. to spread the word and get membership. However who defines "hate group", today it's anyone who thinks people like Ted Cruz where doing nothing wrong by challenging the electoral count. So by LEGAL word or action, you are now a "hate group". Sheesh.