Somehow, he didn't feel it was important to include that in the ad huh? Typical of craigslist bullshit.....

When I was shopping for a lathe, I had plenty of time so just casually kept my eye out and found one just a few miles from my house for very cheap money because the guy was in poor shape and his family wanted his tools gone before he passed. I think he inherited the lathe from a buddy who had already passed and he hadn't even used it ....

Patience is everything when you don't have a lot of money and you want a particular tool.... wink seems like when these do come up , they come up in batches all at once...
There is a place in Portland that rehabs older lathes and mills and sells them and has an excellent reputation but for the life of me I can't remember their name right now.....

Good luck with your search...

Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability.