Originally Posted by atvalaska
Little background , 84yo mom is in a nursing home she's got a little bit of dementia she's on hospice as of about about 6 months ago... just talked to her on Friday with my brother
and she was all happy good to go imo . Saturday morning between breakfast and a shower she has a stroke ...right side ain't working can't talk any more can't hold utensils to feed herself and because she's on hospice the doctors won't give her a tube.
My Brother Talks to her by having her blink her eye ASKED her if she wanted to go to the hospital...yes/ blink... when she goes there (like I stated above ) the doctor said while she's on hospice why bother. Thing is they put her on hospice because she had a urinary tract infection back in September and once he got rid of that she was back to her happy normal self now she has this hospice thing hanging over head . So us last three brothers are deciding what to do ...she can't feed herself if we get her hooked up on a tube the quality of life is gone , if we don't hook her up on a tube are we starveingd Mom to death you guys had to have been in similar situation ...what did you guys do... what are we to do ...dam..

I am totally pissed for your Mom and I don't even know her. Most of those hospice businesses have expiration dates for the patients. Here's a protocol of what I often see.......
1. (Deleted)

Never mind. I shouldn't talk when I'm angry.


I'm not mad at you. I just sympathize with your Mom.
I hate hospices and think that many if them are insurance sponges that murder helpless victims.
I would not be the least bit surprised if you are not right. You are her boy. I would get hold of EVERY unredacted medical record AND FIRE THE DOCTOR if I were you.....STAT!
I would take CONTROL of her care, because apparently you are THE one who cares and make sure that she gets fluids and proper nurishment Monday morning IF it was me. Do what you think best. I don't know anything about the situation other than what you said and it is none of my business, nor my responsibility.
It sounds like you are sincerely concerned by reaching out to us strangers, so I am rooting for you and your Mom.

Prayerfully yours,

Happy Camper