Originally Posted by cra1948
Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by Tarkio
Originally Posted by slymule
Great video. Here's my input and thoughts - My fiance, her three kids and I all took Ivermectin over Christmas. We went down to Tractor Supply, bought a tube of Ivermectin apple flavored horse wormer, read the posted 8"x11" sign they had posted below the wormer that said not recommended for human consumption by US doctors, apparently words getting out on Ivermectin. We went home and each took a dose on day one and day 3. Each tube is good for a 1250# horse, each notch is 50# worth so I took enough for a 250# dose (I weigh 225#), and my fiance and her kids each took their appropriate dose. Just screw the dial out to the dose you need, take your finger swipe off the dosage and place it on the back of your tongue and swallow. We each took a swig of water to wash it down. My fiance was the only one of 5 of us to even be able to taste it, all I got was a waxy film feeling on the back of my tongue. The fiancé said it had a bitter apple flavor in her opinion. The fiance works at a small mental hospital and they had a rash of covid patients, there are only 6 people working the facility and they all had to get tested for covid - her and only one other guy did not test positive for covid. One nurse has been out for almost a month still sick with covid. We all took the Ivermectin when the first patient was tested for covid, so we all took the Ivermectin about 3 days before my fiance was tested with the rest of the staff. None of us had any side affects, no upset stomach, no diarrhea, nothing at all, and as I said none of us could even taste it besides my fiance. So for $4.97 for a tube of Ivermectin horse wormer, I feel like it was money well spent. I know I've been using it for 30+ years to worm my horses, mules, and dogs. Guess if nothing else I can consider myself worm free even if it doesn't work on covid. If you watch the video you'll be amazed at the results other countries are seeing when administering Ivermectin to both patients with and without covid. Note the doctor makes the comment how there have only been 3 studies in the US, thank you Bill Gates and Fauci for pushing their vaccine, no doubt making millions of dollars.

I'd love to know where you are buying horse worming paste for $4.97??

Tractor Supply Co TSC.

cheap stuff is $5

The apple flavor is about $7

Got mine back in August. Maybe it’s more now ?

Not for much longer, it won't be cheap....It'll probably shoot up to about $75


Most of us have been talking about ivemec for 8 months and it’s a big deal in Australia.

There’s enough scoffers to keep it stifled