Originally Posted by Triggernosis
Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by Gus
some will follow their oaths but others might not?

I think most all will follow their oaths as they understand those oaths to be. Our concern should be not that they are deliberately violating their oath but rather that their interpretation of what they've sworn to uphold, what they have been told they have been swearing to uphold, is different than what the citizens of the US understand that they've sworn to uphold.


When I took the Oath at the age of 18, I didn't even know the particularities of the Constitution. During basic training and training thereafter, I learned to FOLLOW ORDERS of those commanding me. If my Lieutenant told me to bayonet a 16 yrs old girl for crossing over the line into our barracks, well, I best be making some blood flow pretty soon. I was young - I didn't know [bleep] - but I followed orders.

Luckily you represent only the mindless minority that those who have never put it on the line expect of our LE and military. Fragging of stupid Lt.s is an old tradition in the combat arms. A lawful order is a real thing and is what is sworn to when taking the oath.

YMMV, and probably will.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC