Originally Posted by Tarquin
Originally Posted by Seafire
By Jobama bin Biden...

how long before we see $5.00 a gallon or more for a gallon of fuel?

that sure didn't take long did it?

of course the Canadians had the contingency plan all along when they had started a pipeline from Alberta to Vancouver...

they will finish that and instead of selling the fuel to the USA... they will ship it out of Vancouver to China...

smart move JoeBloe... smart move..

If Joe keeps it up, we might just win back the house and senate sooner than later.

I doubt it. It's the dumbazz American voters that are only concerned with all the free chit and giveaway programs that the Democrats are going to offer them. Couple that with all the illegals that are going to be put on the voter rolls, all the dead Negroes in Atlanta and Philadelphia that still vote, and the Democrats are in a position to win nationally from here on out.

That's why I don't buy into the voting machine B.S., because they don't need to manipulate the machines, as they have the numbers on their side. Conservatism is supposed to reward people for their hard work and achievements on their own, liberalism is supposed to reward them for letting government take care of them without working hard..............so why would it be a surprise for a majority to choose the latter?