A couple of times, at least that I know about. Who knows about the one night stands? One was in college. I liked a woman in one of my classes, but found out she was married, so wrote her off my list of prospects. We had a class together so one day we got together to study at my house. She was still off my list. We're studying away and then suddenly she reached over and started kissing me. Well at that point I could hardly say no, so we did the deed several times. She was all "That was so different" and "So much better than my husband", etc, etc. The usual. We carried on for a few weeks, but before things got too serious, I went off to grad school in another city.

The other time was with a absolutely gorgeous woman I had been dating when I was an undergrad. She went off to UCLA to become an actress but I kept in touch with her even after she got married. It happened that I was in town where she lived and I gave her a call. We spent a wild afternoon for old times sake. While "don't mess with married women" is a wise rule, there's not one of you who'd pass up a chance at her, I guarantee it.