Good evening to you sir, I hope the day was a decent one for you and all you care about are well.

Thanks for the interesting thread, it makes for some thoughtful reading for sure.

I've done these a few times since at one point in my life in middle management I was in the HR field.

Pretty much consistently it's told me I'm ISTJ-A.

At one point in my working life I had a General Manager who was former Canadian Forces JTF2 and was taking his degree in some branch of Psychology. He had a bunch of us managers take a bit of a longer, more detailed Myers Briggs as part of his course.

After I'd filled out mine, he asked me if I'd answered carefully and as honestly as possible. When I assured him I had, he responded, "My could I have put you to work in my former life".

I believe it was mostly the strong sense of duty and Teutonic stubbornness coupled with the insensitivity.

When I was in high school the tests said the same thing, but when I talked to a Canadian Forces recruiter I was disqualified because of lasting physical damage from a car accident, so that wasn't a path I was able to go down in life.

Anyways, it's interesting how we've come out and what we deal with as far as personality traits for sure.

Thanks again and all the best.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"