Originally Posted by MarineHawk

I started paying attention to that when I started dating after my divorce. It was somewhat helpful in determining who to take a pass on at times.

Me: an ENFJ.

Thanks for running me down tonight's rabbit hole. My first response was was an attempt at humor. I don't drink at all. I don't need to tell this group that adding alcohol to me is a bad idea.

I started by taking a 100 question test that pegged me ESTJ. Very slightly E. I took another test that pegged me ISTJ. Very slightly I. That is consistent with all the other tests I have taken over the years. My wife took a test. Then we took a test for the other person. She pegged me as an ISTJ. I pegged her very slightly different from the way she pegged herself. The good news is that it doesn't look like we are going to need a divorce lawyer.

Last edited by PaulBarnard; 01/23/21.