Steve lovely guns there, thanks for sharing them. Were you the fella who made the 2 bore for that kid on Accurate reloading? I cant remember his name but he used to post up random 2 bore stuff for a couple of years and we didnt quite take him seriously. Then one day he ends up with the gun! The pic of the bore of your gun looks familiar is all.

Id concur regarding the first 2 bore hunting gun done. I have never been able to find solid evidence of 19th century pieces( aside from punt guns). The two references were always Sir Samuel Bakers gun, which as it turned out was a heavy charged 4 bore. The only other reference was a short passage I read about a 'George Gibbs loading blasting black in his 2 bore'. It was a fragment on a now defunct website, I think but whether it was real I am not sure- it could even been an excerpt from a fiction novel.

Can I ask whether you ever made double barrels? Always liked the idea of a double 8 bore MZ cape gun aka 1 barrel rifled, 1 smooth. I figured that gives plenty of clout, some ability to shoot at range and takes some of the hassle out of double rifle regulation. I dont fire the big stuff now anyway, just an admirer these days.