Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
I blame it on the Corony virus.

That must be why no one invites us to these otherwise well attended parties....

Jim this virus has changed allot of things. We used to have family here at our house for Sunday dinner. Now they won't get out. Don't want me around either. I think the virus has been an excuse at times though. I am on one side of many things some of my family dislikes. I'm conservative and believe in making my own way so the current slime in charge really bothers me. They know that and that's why the stay away. I've decided staying away is fine now.

Then the friend part. I might have more than I realize. Most likely you do too. All this political stuff happening has stressed that. I haven't changed though and don't understand why they have or seem to. But the clincher is looking ahead. I see our nation in for a bad time and our values are under attack. It's okay for a pervert to go into the girls bathroom but if I drag the dirty piece of trash out by the hair of the head I likely get arrested. Sometimes I feel like my world is closing in all around me. What do I do, I take long walks and talk with God about it. That's been my refuge for years. When it all breaks loose and the shooting starts we'll likely be on the same side.

Grandpa used to tell me to be encouraged. I'll pass that on from him to you.