Originally Posted by NH K9

I see NH is apparently covered...........so I'll volunteer to do a NH/OH combo. I promise to take it to spots in NH most wouldn't.

Hey bud. Actually, I was going to cover NH and whack off 3 states from the 50 (as you know my house is less than a mile from NH), but no rules about how many times a state can be featured. When is your hog hunt? Be cool to have you do NH as a native and then maybe get some shots with hair/blood in TX before sending it on from there. I'd like to see RenJustice50, ND,Rooster and Aces and all the other lads interested in on the game.

I've got a shack booked for smelt in Maine off the Kennebec next Wed night, so was going to get a shot of Stubbs with some wee fish from there, maybe a shot or two from MA and then pass the baton. Literally and figuratively.

Hey IB, those falls are *spectacular*. "But damn, be sure to watch your step, and I'm not kidding", he said to his buddy with a good buzz on...