Originally Posted by MPat70
I posted this as a response to another thread and wanted to create a separate one to get other people's thoughts on the subject!

The reason We The People will never revolt is because the vast majority of us are family orientated people who work, go home, spend time with family, pay bills, and relent to the simple fact that they cannot do anything to change the system because of a clear fear that any resistance & the government will step in and TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY from you. We see it all the time! The "little person" gets screwed royally while the "powerful" gets away with anything!!!

Now, am I willing to give up everything for my principles, morals and values. Yes I am one of those guys but I am not naive enough to go at it alone....... AND HENCE THE PROBLEM. We can talk about revolution all day but until there is a concerted, unified & organized effort it will never amount to crap.

I'm not talking about a few hundred or even a few thousand that is organized together but Hundreds of thousands is needed and I just don't see that many people willing to give up their lifestyle and ultimately their life for Liberty. "Give me liberty or give me death" sounds heroic & patriotic but how many are ACTUALLY WILLING to give up their life for Liberty???

Leaders!!! We need powerful leaders (like what we had during the Revolutionary War) like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, etc...... We need other countries allied with and supporting a revolt.
Who would step up to fill that bill? France 😂 England 😂 Spain 😂 Australia 🤔 Canada 😂 etc.... Why would no countries back a a civil war in America? 💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲💲
Any country that stood up to the current American leadership would lose BILLIONS & BILLIONS of dollars that America currently pays them.

So I am not holding onto any perceived notion... Right now, we just do not have the organization to accomplish anything so massive!

This is a great description of where we are in time. I know what a civil war would bring, not good for my family. Myself I am willing to give up what I have personally but many don't want to inflict the pain on the family.
This is how they will slowly erode the great country we are. A leader is exactly what we need and Trump was the closest thing to that. This is why they are destroying him. I have been vocal before, we need to get in the streets if they do more to him. I don't see that happening the way we communicate now. They would have a head start quelling any meaningful protest.
I notice on the banner scrolling through Fox last night calling the Jan 6 protest a riot and all the riots by antifa and BLM as protests. The media is also the enemy to freedom now. I won't watch FOX but my wife still does. Keeping a blinded eye to what the media pushes is a big mistake. Harder for me since my wife's check comes from a media affiliate.