Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I'm thinking the gun control issues will be the turning point myself. As long as I have the right and means protect myself and my family I sort of feel free. Take that away and I have no reason to continue being a slave to our government.

See that as the tipping point as well. Any idiot can tell what's going to happen to a disarmed populace, and if even a fraction of our armed populace doesn't comply and/or resist we will have a number of folks they simply won't be able to deal with.

And +1 on the Guerrilla warfare idea. Its our only chance when that day comes.

Registration should be where the line is drawn. Historically registration of firearms invariably leads to confiscation. Confiscation just as invariably leads to genocide.

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe