Yes, we need leaders like the Founding Fathers.... but more importantly, we need PEOPLE like the founding generation of people. We ain't got that. "We" aren't even a people. "We" are SO disparate and SO diverse and SO different from one another now (((by design))). Even here on the campfire, I'm sure that few of us have much anything in common with each other. "We" would not know, or agree on what we would be fighting for, or who we'd be fighting against. Granted, the founding stock of this nation were not entirely monolithic in their beliefs, but they were a damn sight closer to being one people than "we" are today. "We" are royally screwed.

I've been up for armed rebellion for 30 years... but, one man does not a revolution make. I'll just have to do what I have to do to take care of myself and my people, and do what is right, live or die.