Received a few aerial pictures from Jaco this morning of the eastern side of NG49. Below is a map of Bots with all the various concession areas. The two concession Gerhard and Jaco have are marked. These concession are where they do just the DG hunts and are in addition to the private lands they do the PG hunting on. To give you a better idea of the scale, CT27 is about 2m US acres and NG49 is about 650k US acres.

Bots Concession Areas

CT27 is on the far N end of Gerhard's operation in the Tuli Block - they've got quota for just three ele there. It's govt owned but a local tribal council has control over it. They only put 3 ele in the tender as a test run and are likely to add more at the next tender offer.

NG49 is about 90min by bakkie from the airport in Maun. In this tender, they received quota for 15 ele, 2 buffalo and one leopard. The photos below were taken in the last couple of days. Again, these are over the eastern side of the concession that boarders a national park. The western side closer is a bit higher ground and dryer. This is where the upcoming hunt is supposed to take place. Keep in mind that nearly all of Botswana actually lies within the Kalahari desert and this shows they have recieved exceptional rains this season.

Eastern NG49 1
Eastern NG49 2
Eastern NG49 3
Eastern NG49 4
Eastern NG49 5

Here are a couple of the ele in NG49 they scouted last year after they won the tenders.

Ele 1
Ele 2
Ele 3