Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Other than Man, of course.

First we need a working definition of sentient. Hell, I just read that mollusks and arthropods are considered sentient by some as well as fish and mammals.

One of our esteemed members recently stated that elephants and cetacians are likely sentient.

So back to the definition:
Self aware, of course. But what does that mean? How is it measured?
Aware that decisions today will affect your life tomorrow? Aware that decisions today will affect the life of your progeny?

The ability to abandon a learned but non-productive behavior? My cow will stop coming to the barn when I call her if I quit feeding her treats there.

I have heard that "knowledge of approaching time of death" is indicative of sentience. There is evidence that elephants recognize the approach of death and migrate to a location reserved for that.

Most humans recognize that to kill a sentient being, other than in defense of self or others is murder.

Which critters must we remove from the menu?

Not if they are really annoying it isn't.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.