I've got a Wrangler and a Single Six. My Wrangler won't shoot anywhere close to the sights with HS ammo, it hits closer with SV or subsonics, or Quiets or Shorts, but still not "dead on". 3" high, 3" left at 25 yards with HS stuff.

That's where the Single Six has a strong advantage, really, with their adjustable sights. I've got a couple of the newer pistols, too, an M&P Compact and a 4.5" SR-22, with adjustable sights, too. I find them handy, at least they hit to the sights, as does the 617 4" gun.

I'll still keep the Wrangler, though, the slower ammo is still fun to shoot, and who knows, the next batch of ammo might actually hit closer to the sights. I like it's handy-ness, and don't have to worry about knocking the sights around..I'll figure something out.

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.