Wind flags are a real eye opener....

A simple 1/4" steel rod, 42" long.

Sharpen one end, drill a hole to accommodate a bent bycycle spoke with a 24" piece of 1/2" red yarn on it. Very, very good wind flag.

Put one up at 15 yards, and the other in front of the target.

You will wonder why it took you so long to learn to use this very simple and cheap tool. They you start looking at your groups, and realize how much you have shot trying to work up a load when it was the wind changing.

Each rifle range will usually have a predominate wind, which you will figure out.

This is no where near rocket science, and the flags will translate to better field shooting also.

I did not find surveyors tape tied on a stick to be very effective, but it is better than nothing at all. I piece of syrveyors tape on your target is practically nothing at all.