I got the first one about a month ago and I'm supposed to get the 2nd tomorrow.

Got Moderna on a Friday, had a headache Saturday, started throwing up and o2 sats dropping Sunday. Monday night I went to the ER, they checked my o2 at 56% and took me right back so I didn't even have to wait. They stuck IVs in both arms, brought the crash cart over, put me on O2 and were about to bag me as they talked about intubation. I thought I was a goner at one point.

Luckily I responded pretty well to the O2. I spent the next 2 weeks on home o2. They thought I had a blood clot but CT scans were clear.

A week or 2 later a lady who got the same shot at my wife's office had the same reaction and ended up in the ER.

All my Dr's agree I should get the 2nd one but I'm still a bit hesitant. If I do and it goes wrong I hope someone helps my wife get fair value out of my guns and stuff.
