Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
I will at least have a name when I get my original birth certificate back.

Been getting some family names from people on 23andMe.

No idea which side of the family.

Good luck Jim. I was adopted in 1967 by a wonderful couple. My wife was adopted in 1969 by a wonderful couple as well. We decided this past summer to look into our real parents,For medical purposes she knew her birth name I didn’t so we got my original and found my birth name ( or what we thought) so we are searching and no luck, by the way if you hav3 Facebook there is a group on there who helped greatly. So then we did the ancestry search and low and behold a direct hit for my biological father and brother. The brother was adopted at 2 by his step dad and changed his name. Found out I have 2 older brothers(1 committed suicide pstd soldier) a younger brother and sister. 3 different moms. Now for the last 6 months piecing the whole thing together figured out my birth dad was pretty much forcing himself on a 15 yr old(my mom) while he worked for her dads farm living ther with my 2 older brothers and their mom. My birth mom was forced to go away and give me up. The “George” got married to the 3rd mom had 2 more. So on original birth certificate my birth mom used a fake last name ( why we couldn’t find a thing) . After meeting him I realize for sure I grew up way better and more fortunate. He says he looked for me for 54 years but now that he has found he he sure don’t Act like it at all. My older brother who grew up away from him turned out great too, just got pinnned for brigadier general in the national guard , the two younger ones who grew up with George not so well, one in jail half his life the girl just a nutcase.
Good luck to you and if you want pm any questions

We might have to be neighbors, but I don’t have to be neighborly. John Chisum