Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by BALLISTIK
Originally Posted by 303savage
Any white kid without a dad, raised in the ghetto, acts just like a black kid without a dad, raised in the ghetto.

While that may be likely, the fact remains that the children of wealthy blacks still commit more crime than the children of poor whites, by a large magnitude as well. Many studies have been done, but they have all been swept under the rug to prevent society from realizing the truth that our forefathers understood unanimously.

I challenge that “fact” that you’ve put forth and would like to see proof of it.

I’m not slamming you but it doesn’t ring true. If it is true I apologize to you in advance.
I'm not slamming you or anybody else, but anybody who is sane, intelligent and has been paying attention to current events, doesn't put much stock in statistics. Maybe it would be better said, "doesn't put as much stock in stats as they did two years or so, ago,". Much of my education was in statistics and how to use and consume them. I've always loved statistics, whilst knowing they could be manipulated. This COVID thing seemingly took the manipulation of stats to the next level. But then again, maybe it and Trump's Presidency got me to paying attention more.