Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
Originally Posted by StoneCutter
It's total bullschit. My company has been open the whole time and we get a hundred customers in here every day with no major outbreaks. Had a couple of guys at this store get the Kung Flu from people at home and never spread it to any of us at work. My guys basically refused to wear masks and I wasn't going to make them either. I'd say that 3/4 of my customers don't wear masks when they're inside. About 2 weeks ago, we were really busy and the showroom had about 10 people in there. I was sitting in my office and I heard some woman say in a real loud voice, "Boy, it must be nice to work in a place where you don't have to wear a mask". You know, sometimes you can look at a person and tell that they're a lib. I saw her when she walked past my window and I think she was wearing two or three masks on top of each other. About a half hour after the commie bitch left here, I got a call from the county health dept. The guy was real nice and we had a long talk. He said that he had received a complaint from a customer and said that a couple of my guys weren't wearing masks. I told him that a couple of my guys have been vaccinated and maybe that's why. He said that it doesn't matter because it's the law. So I asked him if we all get vaccinated, are we going to have to wear masks the rest of our lives? He said no, only until the governor lifts the mandate. He explained that his job is to enforce the law and try to educate companies about it. His basic education was that if they received another complaint, they they would have no other choice but to fine me $5000.00. I told my guys that they have to wear something over their face or they can pay the fine. They asked me about making the customers wear masks and I told them that I'm not going to make my customers wear them because they're here to pay us money and they're not my responsibility.

So I went home and cut off the sleeves off of a T-shirt and that's what I wear for a mask. It does nothing other than comply with the mandate. I could blow out a candle while wearing it, but it looks good and I can breathe through it.

That's sad. I hate that you, and the rest of America's business owners are in that position.

Here's something that"might" help.
The guvignor, hell department are requiring everyone to wear a medical device.
Not everyone can wear a medical device, aka suffocation cloth. Moisture turns it into a waterboarding torture device....but I digress.
I for one, have suffered pneumonia many times as a child and young man. When I wear one of those oxygen deprivers, I get light headed, can't perform certain functions SAFELY (OSHA). I get a head ache, get sick to my stomach, etc. ad nauseum nausea.

I never wear anything and am usually asked to in public. I let them know that I have a "health exemption" and go about my business. The hell th dept might want to violate HIPA by asking WHAT the employees health conditions are, but it's a risk that could turn into a legal battle with the fine garbage. In cases like public buildings where deputy fife requires me to wear a medical device or we can do things the "hard way...."
I have a clear plastic shield like I wear when at shop grinder. It goes on the forehead, or better yet on the hat bill.....more air flow. Then the top where the eyes are cut away for visability. I don't think a business or hell th department wants us to trip down the stairs from visibility issues, fogging, or depth perception.
This plastic then covers the mouth/ nose about 3" away. BTW, If only customers mind, don't mind the commi customers with compliance until there's one to wait on. The rest of the time employees can wear the face God gave them with no obstruction. Just some ideas.

Get my drift?
There's two possible ideas for alternative options.

I hope this helps and you can get back to freedom soon.

☕ 🙂 👍

Thanks for that. The cut off T-shirt sleeve works great. It's open at the bottom and I can breathe fine. If it keeps .gov off of my back, that's all that I need until the communists lift their stupid mandate. We're here working hard trying to make a few bucks and I don't need to rock the boat too much. Just trying to make a living and staying under the radar.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan