Originally Posted by Magnum_Bob

JoeBob is spot on it costs 7500-10,000 a month to get a person with Alsheimers / dementia in a nursing home, if you can find an opening for them. It is very difficult to deal with a loved spouse or parent suffering from these ailments. Ordinary people are not trained or equipped to deal with someone who has these problems
. It's 24 /7 /365. Damn few people can stop living for themselves to completely live to take care of another. I. Watched my dad in his 90's try to do that for my mom. It didn't help his health and well being at all. He passed last October at 96 and 4 months. Wore out, he tried his damndest to outlast mom and didn't make it. Mom is frail and very seldom has a rational memory or thought it takes pros to deal with that. Mb

God bless your mother, hopefully she don't run into someone like "Officer Jackson Handy"